Inspired Leadership


You Cannot Afford To Put Off Leadership Training Any Longer

In 2019, BEFORE the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brandon Hall Group Competency and Skill Development Survey revealed that: Only 19% of organizations felt prepared to develop the skills required in the near future. Some 75% said they were “somewhat” prepared, and 7% admitted they were completely unprepared. Additionally, this research showed: 66% agreed employee engagement is

You Cannot Afford To Put Off Leadership Training Any Longer Read More »

The Importance of Having a Personal Leadership Philosophy

One foundation of great leaders is having and understanding their own leadership mindset philosophy — a set of beliefs, values, and personal rules related to the kind of leader they aspire to. This foundation will drive the workplace environment and culture of the team the leader leads, whether this is a four-person department or a

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The Gift of Feedback

Unlike at a tertiary level, workplace feedback sounds and looks different. Feedback from the classroom came by the way of test scores, comments, and final grades. These methods revolve almost entirely around the accuracy and content of your work. On the other hand, workplace feedback takes into consideration the content and quality of your work

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Too Many Priorities … Not Enough Time!

Let’s face it, the vast majority of us in today’s business world is facing this dilemma. Global competition is fierce, business disruption is everywhere, senior management is relentlessly driving for increased productivity … and whose desk does it land on? If you’re in senior management, and you consistently hear “too many priorities” or “initiative overload”

Too Many Priorities … Not Enough Time! Read More »

Better Humans: The (really hard) “business case” for EQ

The author, inspirational speaker, and leadership visionary Simon Sinek posted a video recently, which critiqued the use of the term soft skills. As a learning and development professional, this really spoke to a common bugbear of mine and pretty much all my HR-related colleagues. We used those scare quotes almost like a nervous tic because

Better Humans: The (really hard) “business case” for EQ Read More »

6 Questions your leadership development providers are hoping you don’t ask, but you should!

One of the top challenges facing South African HR organisations right now is the looming deadline of completing your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP). You need to be responsive to the here and now and balance critical and scarce skills demands with looking far enough down the line to make informed strategic accredited training recommendations. An

6 Questions your leadership development providers are hoping you don’t ask, but you should! Read More »

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