Inspired Leadership

Inspired Leadership faces

Previous participant advocacy builds motivation

This month we kicked off multiple Inspired Leadership journeys, but one experience stands out. Sybrin ran the Inspired Leadership Journeys in 2019/2020 (seamlessly moving to virtual over lock-down) and launched new cohorts in September. What stood out was the strength of the internal advocacy for the journeys. Alumni from the first journey advocated strongly for colleagues and peers to participate. At the Kick-off we ask each participant to share WHY they want to participate, and multiple people said it was because of what they had observed in their colleagues and heard from them. To hear from one of the participants directly watch her video.

Retaining key talent post restructuring is a critical human capital priority

We make a big effort to measure the impact of our learning approach. In Leadership Development this has generally been a very elusive goal, because the nature of what we do is behavioural and indirect & also traditionally very “event” based. The data point that is key for right now is the impact our approach has on employee retention.

Given the volatility in most economies globally, restructures & redundancies are common place. The “survivor-guilt” felt by those remaining inside the organization combined with vulnerable feeling of “will I be next?” means that organizations are at risk of losing the talent they have retained. The post-restructure culture is often in dire need of some attention. That is where Inspired Leadership can have a massive impact.

We update our data after every path is complete, currently, we can confidently say that 98% of our participants are committed to staying with their organization as a result of being on our journeys. However, the data point that is more exciting is the downstream impact of the learning on the direct reports of the managers who we are working within Manager to Leader. We don’t directly “touch” these employees, however, 83% say that they are more engaged and committed to the company and their role as a result of their managers improved leadership behavior.

We are delighted with the impact on our participants, but even more delighted with the impact on the broader organization through the positional influence of the managers in the Manager to Leader journey.

Virtual Connects

Inspired Leadership Facilitators

Our Free interactive Virtual Connects are in place for a few reasons:

  1. So you can get to know us, our facilitation style and our deeply human approach;
  2. So you can leverage these interactive virtual classes for yourself, your organization and team;
  3. So we can bring you relevant topics of discussion, insights and moments of pause in a busy week. Reflection and thinking time is on short supply. Without the commute and the traffic, our thinking & processing time has evaporated. The Virtual Connects give you that space to take a breath.

Join our October Virtual Connect line up:

  • I am Remarkable – in association with GOOGLE
  • Building Virtual Presence
  • Working through conflict
  • Feeling stuck? Career transition advice and guidance
  • Better thinking for better decisions

Ready to talk more about Inspired Leadership? Get in touch.

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