Inspired Leadership


How stress affects decision making

Feeling stressed changes how people weigh risks and rewards during the decision-making process. When under stress people focus more on the possible positive outcomes. Strangely. when under stress, the natural tendency is to pay greater attention to positive information, while discounting negative information, according to research published in Current Directions in Psychological Science. This means when

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Critical Skill for today’s leaders.

According to Wikipedia, “collaboration is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.” We are focused on this critical skill so that we can share

Critical Skill for today’s leaders. Read More »

Inspired Leadership faces

October News

Previous participant advocacy builds motivation This month we kicked off multiple Inspired Leadership journeys, but one experience stands out. Sybrin ran the Inspired Leadership Journeys in 2019/2020 (seamlessly moving to virtual over lock-down) and launched new cohorts in September. What stood out was the strength of the internal advocacy for the journeys. Alumni from the

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