Inspired Leadership

October Community News

This news aims to create a sense of community across the world, for all of us engaged with or associated with Inspired Leadership. You are in different stages of your journey, but I hope you are keen to stay connected. Here I will share client stories, community news, impact info and business development tips.

Client Story

Sybrin has been an Inspired Leadership client for the past 12 months, and based on the success of their first groups in Emerging Leaders and Manager to Leader, they kicked off again with new participants in September 2020. The impact of the information session that is held with all potential participants was magnified when Inspired Leadership alumni started advocating for the journey. The personal testimonies & encouragement from peers ensured that the HR Champion had more personal motivations than budget! Even better is that alumni from the previous year are managing new participants. When your manager knows what is going on & what is required, their support & encouragement is very real! To hear from one of the participants watch her video.

Impact on retention of Inspired Leadership Journeys

We make a big effort to measure the impact of our learning approach. In Leadership Development this has generally been a very elusive goal, because the nature of what we do is behavioural and indirect & also traditionally very “event” based. The data point that is key for right now is the impact our approach has on employee retention.

Given the volatility in most economies globally, restructures & redundancies are common place. The “survivor-guilt” felt by those remaining inside the organization combined with vulnerable feeling of

“Will I be next?”

This means that organizations are at risk of losing the talent they have retained. The post-restructure culture is often in dire need of some attention. That is where we come in.

We update our data after every path is complete, currently, we can confidently say that 98% of our participants are committed to staying with their organization as a result of being on our journeys. However, the data point that is more exciting is the downstream impact of the learning on the direct reports of the managers who we are working within Manager to Leader. We don’t directly “touch” these employees, however, 83% say that they are more engaged and committed to the company and their role as a result of their managers improved leadership behaviour.

We are delighted with the impact on our participants, but even more delighted with the impact on the broader organization through the positional influence of the managers in the Manager to Leader journey.

Business Development Tip

Part of our role in Inspired Leadership is to inspire, motivate and equip Channel Partners for business development. Today’s tip is to OWN THE ACTION. We are quick to send emails or leave voice messages that disempower us e.g. Look forward to hearing from you OR let me know what you think. This leaves you with the massive responsibility of waiting! Rather use words like: I’ll contact you on Friday to hear what you thought of my proposal OR I’ll make a note to call you on Monday to check you got my message. Become a Channel Partner for more direct business development support.


Virtual Connects

The Virtual Connect Calendar for October is up and ready for registrations.

The purpose of Virtual Connect is:

  • Create a virtual space for people to connect & learn/share from each other
  • Show off our virtual facilitation skills, i.e. breakouts and polls, whiteboards etc.
  • Softly promote our brands & the Inspired Leadership offerings


These are interactive and definitely #notawebinar. The virtual space is very crowded & getting attention is a mighty undertaking. However it is a great opportunity to invite prospects, past participants, coaching clients, potential coaching clients & your network. We have had multiple conversions through the repeat exposure to who we are and the different way we do things in the Virtual Connects. Please leverage them, participate, contribute, offer to host. A lot of the marketing mileage is through the pre and post promotion. Inspired Leadership is about connection. We are not a mass consumption brand. Our value proposition is deeply human and the #virtualconnect is a place to demonstrate that.

As always – Stay Inspired


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