About this Journey
Who should be on this Journey?
- Competent and capable women in business who have expressed a desire to increase their role scope and responsibility
- Aspiring female leaders who want to extend their impact and increase their influence
- Women who demonstrate potential but lack personal belief and confidence.
How does the organisation benefit?
- Strengthened female leadership bench which when leveraged enhances organisational decision making and financial performance
- Greater engagement and sense of belonging for the participants and their network
- Attraction and retention of top talent
Journey Content
- 6 month journey
- Cohorts of 8-10 talented women
- 4 week Introduction with comprehensive and personalised assessment, feedback and coaching
- 4 impactful keynotes, that can be attended by ANYONE
- 4 modules of GOING DEEPER content for IgniteHER participants, application and experiences that drive deeper growth
- Celebration and close event
What holds us back from taking steps of courage is fear. Fear mostly of what others think of us and fear of failure.
Learning how to manage both the external voice of others and the internal voice is critical to embracing a life of courage
Confidence is the characteristic that distinguishes those who imaging from those who don’t. It is the stuff that turns thoughts into action. Life’s enabler.
However we seldom feel confidence in all aspects of our lives and that lack of confidence can disable our professional & personal progress.
We need resilience to surf the unprecedented wave of change that is challenging the stability, predictability and certainty that most of us crave and find comfort in.
By proactively investing in resilience skills, we diminish the fear of change and grow in our confidence to thrive amidst the change.
Constant distractions steal the joy of present moments. This “constant partial attention” tricks us into thinking we’re multitasking effectively, when we’re actually accomplishing very little.
Learning to be more present will enrich your relationships and boost your productivity.
Build a strong pipeline of
women leaders for your organisation
What do IgniteHer participants say?
Frequently asked questions
A full journey is comprised of 4 paths. Each Path takes 4 months. Realistically a participant can only complete two paths in 12 months because of the amount of content and expectations to apply what is being learnt.
On average 45 minutes per week, with application exercises done in the course of work.
1.5 hours every 4 weeks.
For South African clients, our 12 month journeys are accredited with the Services SETA.
No – this is an ideal approach for a dispersed group of participants. 8-10 participants from different locations come together in a virtual group session once a month.
If you have any questions, contact us today!
Empower your Staff. Supercharge Productivity.